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Used Medical Equipment Schaumburg

Used Medical Equipment Schaumburg


Used Medical Equipment Schaumburg – Terrain Biomedical – Critical Care Monitors – 773-697-8400

Critical Care Monitors are an important piece of medical equipment for most any care facility. They provide relevant information to medical personnel regarding the status of their patients. The data enables more effective assessments on patient status so doctors and nurses can make informed decisions.

These versions of monitor systems usually include a centralized monitor that collects and displays patient information. In addition, there’s a set of monitors close to the patient for displaying respiratory rate, temperature and more.

Locations that typically use Critical Care Monitors include hospitals, hospital transport units and surgical facilities. Above all, these quality monitors will help your facility’s goal of excellent patient care.

At Terrain Biomedical customers have the option to purchase or rent quality Used Medical Equipment Schaumburg. Additionally, our equipment is available for short-term use or longer periods. Call our main location in Buffalo Grove to learn more about our inventory and how we assist medical facilities. Along with our selection of quality equipment, we also offer professional repair services too.

Critical Care Monitors at Terrain Biomedical – Used Medical Equipment Schaumburg

The Carescape Monitor B850 – provides information consistency and integration across several care areas. This monitor meets patient requirements and helps assure accurate results at all stages of care. For example, some of the benefits include:

  • -Respiration and gas monitoring.
  • -Personalizes the whole set of parameters for streamlined integration. Allows rapid and accurate support for making care decisions.
  • -Marquette electrocardiogram algorithm.
  • -Adequate Anesthesia Concept for custom anesthesia.
  • -Supports patient flow while collecting data with through the Carescape Gateway in hospital info systems and electronic medical records.
  • -Reviews patient information and receives clinical data from telemetry, cardiology, lab results, medications and more.
  • -Connects to displays, printers, recorders and other monitors to permit bed-to-bed viewing. Also enables data management software via a network.
  • -Supports workflow by customizing alarms to fulfill patient and procedure requirements.
  • -Easy for training staff on the equipment’s user-friendly, efficient interface.
  • -Leverage your location’s existing network. Additionally, protects the investment you make with flexibility.
  • -Choose options for software, hardware and parameters to sustain pace with technology without need to buy all new equipment.
  • -Get on-location, off-location or remote service that helps maintain your facility’s systems while maintenance costs.

The Carescape Monitor B650

Supports efficiency in an active medical facility. This version of Critical Care Monitors offers versatility at any stage of care. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration, this unit assures your staff may focus on your patients instead of equipment. Also, the B650 has leading-edge capabilities to meet the requirements of different medical settings.

Call Terrain Biomedical to order Used Medical Equipment Schaumburg at 773-697-8400.