Medical Equipment Certification Elmwood Park IL – Terrain Biomedical – Call 773-697-8400
Medical Equipment Certification Elmwood Park IL
The thorough inspection and certification of medical devices involves adhering to rigorous standards. Terrain Biomedical has the expertise and best practices to ensure the equipment in use at your hospital is always in proper condition and in compliance with safety and health guidelines.
Sales, Rental, Repair and Medical Equipment Certification Elmwood Park IL of Defibrillators
Terrain Biomedical offers reliable AED and defibrillator service, repair and maintenance to medical facilities, hospitals, physical therapists, ambulatory surgical centers and other care providers. The seasoned technicians on our staff have many years of industry experience providing comprehensive services for defibrillator equipment including:
-Defibrillator repair on-site or at our facility in Buffalo Grove. We are your source for quick response solutions that restore your equipment to working order when you need it.
-Extensive inventory of replacement parts.
-Rentals and loaner devices are available in many instances.
We Calibrate for the AED and Defibrillators at Your Location
-Installation and comprehensive testing of AED devices.
-Preventive maintenance to ensure functionality and regulatory compliance.
Electrical Inspection and Safety Services
-In some cases we are able to repair defibrillator models that are discontinued.
-Provide instruction and ongoing training on the use of defibrillator devices.
-Our team of biomedical service technicians are specialists in the field that receive extensive, continuous training in order to remain current on new technologies.
Terrain Biomedical is the Chicagoland healthcare community’s leading provider of used, refurbished and new Automated External Defibrillators. Along with providing the latest and best cardiovascular life support technologies, Terrain offers defibrillator rental, repair and maintenance programs for a wide variety of AED devices.
In addition to area hospitals and clinics, we also provide Medical Equipment Certification Elmwood Park IL for AEDs to doctors’ offices, educational institutions, first responder EMT services and more.